Hey there!  I’m Mallory!  I’m an aspiring Mustachian, novice minimalist, travel addict, teletherapist, wannabe paleo eater, farmer’s daughter, wife, Italian language learner, and most importantly, a mom of two young boys.  I can now add “expat” to the list.  Recently my family and I moved from the comfy suburbs of Columbus, Ohio to a tiny condo with balcony views of the Italian Alps.

I’m so happy you decided to stop on by for a moment.  I’m hoping this a place where I can inspire and share, but also learn.  I have always had a passion for travel, and I love sharing travel tips and advice.  By no means am I an expert on traveling with kids, but I have learned a few tricks and tips over the past 4 years of traveling with children.

I truly believe that if more people would travel, the world would be a more tolerant and peaceful place to live.  The following quote by Mark Twain, perfectly encapsulates this sentiment.

Feel free to comment, ask questions, and share what you know.

Thanks for reading along!
